Step 3: Pay
How do we afford and pay for our child’s education?
The Pay phase is a vital part of the financial aid and funding process. Now that you have determined what the ‘right fit’ school is for your student and they’ve gotten into that school, you need to make sure that you can afford to pay for it! This is where we seek to get as much funding as possible from the school for your specific situation.
In this phase, we seek to:
…determine exactly which merit-based college scholarships your student will be eligible for
…analyze whether or not ‘need-based’ financial aid will be a factor in your college planning and if so, how much you’ll be eligible for
…coach and advise your family on all applicable strategies to keep your out-of-pocket college costs as low as legally possible
…provide unlimited college financial aid award estimates for your family’s specific situation so that you can know in advance what to expect from each school you’re considering
…provide complete peace of mind knowing that our team of Financial Aid Forms Concierges will 100% complete all required financial aid forms for you (FAFSA completion is a free bonus for all of our members)
…coach your family on whether your award offer was fair or not (our expert Appeals Team spreadsheets and analyzes multiple variables to come to a conclusion on whether an appeal should be made)
…consult, coach and draft negotiation & appeal strategy for your family if an ‘unfair” offer was awarded.